The Resurrection Spirit by Maggi Hambling

The Joint Parish Celebration of its arrival was blessed and dedicated by Fr Nigel on Easter Sunday 2013 at St Dunstan’s at 10.15am.

This follows on from a Press preview and publicity event early in Holy Week to which PCC members and others involved with the Project over the last three years were personally invited.

Resurrection_00022The new nave Altar manufactured by Simon McLay, a local craftsman and engraved by Stewart Alston, and embellished with stainless steel designed by Maggi Hambling, was consecrated by the Bishop of Chichester, The Right Reverend Martin Warner on Advent Sunday 2013 at the 10.15am Parish Eucharist in memory of Walter Podger, Sacristan and benefactor to St Dunstan’s

Nave Alter front viewNave Altar topCarved Inscription on the Nave Altar

A video of Maggi Hambling appears below, explaining her approach to the project, and the unveiling was also covered by BBC South East at this link


We are extremely grateful to them for sharing their expertise and experience and helping us to add two important commissions to the rich artistic, spiritual and liturgical heritage of St Dunstan’s.

© Maggi Hambling / photos courtesy of Mascalls Gallery