
St Dunstan’s Director of Music:
Mrs Lucy Piercy

St. Dunstan’s Parish Choir

(Photograph taken after singing at Chichester Cathedral on
Wednesday, 24th May 2023)

The Choir of St Dunstan’s has an extensive repertoire
and long-standing tradition of excellence.

The robed choir averages 20-25 on Sunday mornings and leads the musical worship in a variety of mass settings, anthems and hymns.  The choir additionally sings Choral Evensong once a month, usually on the first Sunday of the month.  Their schedule also includes singing at weddings and funerals when requested in addition to leading our Advent and Christmas Carol services.

In June 2019 the choir joined with Salisbury Cathedral Choir for services at Salisbury
Cathedral which included Widor’s Messe and an Easter Cantata by Bach with period orchestra.

The choir has been fortunate to work with some of the country’s leading church musicians and commissioned two anthems by Malcolm Archer which were premiered by the choir under the direction of the composer.

Recent events have included a liturgical performance of excerpts from three of Bach’s Advent Cantatas including ‘Wachet Auf’ with the Mayfield Festival Baroque Orchestra in December 2021 and singing Choral Evensong at Chichester Cathedral where they sang the rarely-performed Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G by Henry Smart in February 2022.

We always welcome new enquiries so please feel free to contact us.

(Our thanks to Simon Heaton for this aerial shot)

The Choir singing May Carols from the Paris Tower on Sunday, 5th May 2024

Rehearsals are held at the following times:

Junior and Senior Choir: Wednesday evenings 18.15 – 19.30
Sunday: 9.15 – 10.00 for the Parish Eucharist that commences at 10.15 

Our Service on Sunday is a Sung Eucharist and commences at 10.15 
Evensong generally takes place on the 4th Sunday in the month at 18.00. 

We sing on Feast Days and other special occasions throughout the year


If you are interested in joining either of our Choirs, please contact either
Mrs Lucy Piercy by email:
Fr Michael Asquith, Vicar of St Dunstan’s by email: