Bell ringing

St Dunstan’s Bell Ringers

You will find the Bellringers here in Mayfield a very friendly band of mixed experience and ability; always keen to welcome both new ringers and those who wish to return to ringing. 

The bells are rung at Sunday services and at other important events in the Church calendar – such as weddings and funerals (when requested) and various national occasions when we willingly do our duty.

The ring of eight bells is amongst the best in the county and, with the spacious ringing chamber and large window giving a view of the church interior, ringing here is a joy and a privilege.

We PRACTICE on a Tuesday between  8.00pm  and 9.10pm

We RING for Sunday morning worship from  9.30am to 10.10am

and we also RING for Sunday evensong (on the 1st Sunday in the month) from 5.30pm to 6pm


For further information please contact either:

Our Tower Secretary:
James Morgan 


Our Tower Captain:
Vanessa Kolberg    

Or call in on a Tuesday practice evening.